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What is worship? #6

There’s a question I think we all frequently ask ourselves: “What is the purpose of my existence? Why am I living?” 

We try to answer these questions as we learn things from our families and school environment. Most importantly though, we make goals for ourselves, which are usually related to things we’ll be leaving behind in this world.

We have careers, families, children, and possessions... But on the other hand, as you said earlier, death is an absolute reality, the death of the body is inevitable, and if you haven’t engaged in certain practices then Hell is the consequence...

We’ve been told these practices are called ‘worship’ so we try to practice them, but what does it actually mean to ‘experience’ these practices of worship?

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01:13 Some call worship a ritual but it’s actually a ritual. So what is the purpose of worship and is it beneficial for our life after death, does worship also benefit us in this world? How should we understand the topic of worship in light of the ‘quantum brain’?

01:39 Now when we use the term ‘quantum brain’ we’re actually referring to the primary potential, our inherent qualities.

02:45 Essentially what exists is entirely a structure of data, an ocean of data. The brain defines things according to what it receives from this ocean. So by means of this mechanism the brain is able to manifest its various potential qualities.

04:03 When you repeat a specific word in your brain in a specific way and a specific number of times, a current of electricity forms in certain cell groups in your brain which reverberates to surrounding cells causing an increase in the electrical current which then leads to an increase in the cells that function at that wavelength, to serve that specific meaning.

06:10 This is why dhikr is the first step in knowing Allah, knowing yourself, knowing the qualities of the Names within you.

06:53 It’s ‘salat’! Salat means to turn. To who? To your Rabb. Where is your Rabb? The Names that comprise your being.

08:06 “B ismi Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim” is the equivalent of, “Remove yourself so that the Creator may reveal Himself”. The Basmalah is not something to recite, it is something to experience! And the experiencer is Himself!

09:36 It is the potential of those names that compose your being. The infinite ‘power’, ‘knowledge’ and all other qualities of Allah form your being. If you can’t feel this then you’re not really saying “Subhana Rabbiyal Azim” or “Subhana Rabbiyal Ala”.

10:11 In other words, salat is from the Self, to the Self, and can only be truly experienced by removing the self. If you can experience this your perspective and evaluation of existence will be totally different.


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