“Must you have a judgment? Why do you feel you have to have a judgment? Why can’t you just witness and observe the events without making any judgments?

“Think about it. The instant you make a judgment, you are expressing your individual view on a particular thing, right? But, how can your ‘essential self’ have a point of view? It is those with relative identities who view things from this point and that point, always based on conditionings. Individuals who have found their ‘essential selves’ do not have any conditionings let alone a judgment to base on them!

“One who is able to view things holistically rather than from various points of view refrains from making a judgment, for ‘judging’ is an indication of relativity. Something can only mean ‘x’ relative to ‘y’, that is, it can only mean something, compared to something else. But what if there isn’t a second thing in existence with which a comparison can be made? Can one still make a judgment?”

“In all honesty, I’m not sure if I completely understand…”

“Don’t worry, all in due time.”

“How about the stage of purification from emotions?”

“Yes, that is also very important! If you make a careful examination, you will see that in almost every case, conditionings are the effective force behind the instigation of your feelings and emotions.

“For example, you get angry when someone touches your belongings. What really drives this anger, however, is your sense of possessiveness, the feeling that you are the owner, which results directly from the environmental conditioning that you have been subject to!

“So, basically, the source of your emotions and senses are the various conditionings that you received throughout your life. This means, if you can rid yourself of the emotions resulting from the value judgments conditioned by your environment you would be taking a big step towards finding your true identity.”

“So, if we can be cleansed totally, will our real identity become apparent?”

“There will be one last step to take…”

“Which is?”

To renounce your temperaments.”


To abandon your habits and dispositions.”

“Can you elaborate?”

“For example, when humans say things like ‘this is who I am, this is my temperament’ or ‘it’s in my nature!’ they are really referring to their constructed selves. Well, in order to find out who you really are you must abandon your constructed make-up, or your so-called ‘character’, for these are the differences that constitute the individual existence.

“You, on the other hand, want to relinquish your individual existence and continue your life with your true identity. Hence, my friend, you must cleanse your consciousness from everything that constitutes your individual self!”

“What is temperament?”

“Why is something is pleasing to you? Because it is compatible with your creation program, your constitution! So you inevitably feel attracted to, or pleased by it, and hence you feel an inclination for it. So one’s ‘temperament’ is really the product of their individual and physical attributes.

“Or, let’s think of the contrary, when you don’t like something and you want to stay away from it, this sense of repulsion is a result of the incompatibility of that thing with your individual structure or your temperament.

“Whereas, when you turn to your true identity, the one that is far beyond the relative individual being, you realize that everything is a part of the Essential Self and that the Essential Self doesn’t exist outside of or separate to you. Hence it becomes clearly evident that the notion of liking or disliking something is not from the you.”

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