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For Love

Is God Great?

Selected Verses From The Book Of Allah

During that period the earth (the body) will be replaced by another earth (another body), and the heavens as well (individual consciousness will also be turned into another system of perception)! All will be apparent (openly evident with all their inner faces) to Allah, the Wahid, the Qahhar. (14.Ibrahim: 48)

And whomsoever Allah wills the realization of his essential reality, He opens his breast (his innermost comprehension) to Islam (to the consciousness of his submission) and whomsoever He wills to lead astray, He makes his breast tight and constricted, as though he were laboriously climbing into the sky! Thus Allah debases those who do not believe! (6.Al-An'am: 125)

Ahmed Hulusi

Who is Ahmed Hulusi?

Ahmed Hulusi, born in Istanbul 1945, is currently the most comprehensive author of Islamic philosophy in Turkey. He has written more than thirty books since 1965 without any material gain from copyright.

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Hallucination… The brain creates hallucinations based on its database. The images in your holographic universe are based on two sources. The first is the pre-existing data in the brain’s database. The second is the images based on the data that is acquired continuously through sight. An example for the first source is your dreams and hallucinations, an example for the second is what you refer to as ‘what you see’. It is the imagery created by your brain as a result of sight. The mechanism of the first is that the images that we perceive are based on data that has previously been acquired. Whereas images derived from inspiration or revelation are not acquired by the brain from an external source. Rather it becomes manifest when the brain becomes synchronized with data in its depths. In religious terms, this data is ‘revealed’. Inspiration and revelation are not a fabrication of the brain based on its existing mechanics. They carry knowledge beyond its apparent function. Whereas dreams and hallucinations are fabricated by the brain based on its existing database. Dreams and imagining seeing people during the time of one’s death are all hallucinations. Thoughts, like one is being greeted by loved ones from their past upon death, are fabricated by the brain based on its existing database. Every brain that experiences death loops within its own database. This is called the ‘realm of the grave’. The holographic (non material) brain may also eventually reach the capacity to go beyond space and time, and interact with the realm of the sun during this period, but it will not have any contact with the world. Until doomsday. Until doomsday and the engulfing of the earth by the sun, the brain will continue its holographic existence based on the data obtained during worldly life. Such is Allah’s system of creation. In the existence described as ‘heaven’ the brain (the quantum brain) is beyond form, and can create endless forms with the power of Allah. It does as it wills! I’ll let the saints speak for themselves… This is what has been revealed from within, only Allah knows best.

- Ahmed Hulusi