
One of the most popular topics of recent years, not only among the public but also among the intellectuals, is no doubt “Flying Saucers” …

Many people around the world, most of whom are from the US and some countries in Europe claim to have sighted these flying saucers, which supposedly carry alien beings from other worlds and dimensions who apparently visit Earth to make contact with humans…

There are many different views on “Unidentified Flying Objects” or in short UFO’s…

News on this subject can be found in even the most prestigious magazines and newspapers published in America and Europe giving significant coverage to those who have made contact and their experiences. 

Even if we accept that 95% of the news and information on this subject is fraud, that is, even if we assume that these things that are seen by these individuals are actually nothing other than the shooting stars, clusters of clouds, air balloons or other such similar scenes, there is still a 5% chance that there is some reality to these claims, especially considering the state of the individuals who have seen these objects and the ways in which these objects appeared to them. 

The very fact that there is a ‘UFO’ department in the US Ministry of Defense and archives of photos of these objects is sufficient to suggest that this is somewhat serious. 

Recently, an interview was published in the daily newspaper Cumhuriyet, regarding a teacher who claimed to have seen a flying saucer while he was in the classroom with his students. According to the teacher, there were beings coming out from this saucer which nobody else in the classroom was able to see. Here is an excerpt from this interview, reported by Mr. Turhan ILGAZ:

“Approximately two years ago, a teacher was conducting an exam in the Pangaltı Armenian High School. After she had handed out the questions to her students, she sat at her desk and all of a sudden, a scene appeared on the walls of the classroom. 

She said that ‘It was just like a movie. There, in front of me was a flying saucer. And then a man, who looked just like us came out from it’.”


The woman who saw this is a psychic and she communicated with the newcomer telepathically. After this initial meeting, they met many times again.  

So, this is one way of encountering flying saucers… 

So, what is the truth behind this?

Do flying saucers actually exist?

Are there other human species living on other planets?

Are the beings wanting to make contact with humans also humans who live on other planets or are they other types of beings?

This is surely one of the most interesting topics of recent times!

And the biggest mistake that is made in this area is “asking the scientists”!

The subject of aliens should never be asked to the scientists!

There isn’t a single scientist, neither in Turkey nor in the world who can answer the questions relating to aliens. Whoever seeks advice from the scientists on this matter will surely be mistaken! 


Let us know first of all that ‘science’ is formed within a particular system, which relies on using observable objects and data that already exists. The people who examine this data in detail and conduct extensive research on them reach a conclusion and establish a system, which finally produces that particular branch of science. 

It is the people who create that branch of science who are referenced as the scientists who are specialized in that particular field.

Let me explain this by an example. 

The human body exists; there are people who examine it and conduct researches on it to decipher how it works and hence they have produced a branch of science. Thus, there is an observable data and system here. This means there is a scientist whose field of expertise is the human body, i.e. the doctors, medical professors, neurologists, etc.

Do we have all the data concerning the aliens? Has there been systematic research carried out with the data that we have? Has anyone followed a systematic line of investigation on these matters to determine how they really function? 

Of course, the answer to all of these is NO. 

This being the case, we may conclude that there is no branch of science based on the aliens nor are there any scientists!

You may, if you wish, ask this to a doctor or a professor of law. You can also ask an ASTRONOMY professor! 

Needless to say, they are all equal individuals who have the same level of knowledge on this particular subject despite the fact that they have all become professors in their own branches! 

One of them is a professor on the subject of law; the other one is a professor on the human body and the other one is a professor studying the stars.

However, there isn’t a single professor on the subject of the ALIENS! 

This is not only the issue in Turkey but the whole world!

After making this emphasis, let us all pay attention to the following point. 

In recent years, various incidents have occurred relating to this subject. One of these is the publication made by the Russian TASS news agency, claiming that children playing at a park in a city in Russia made contact with beings from outer space! 

The other incident is the crop circles that have appeared in the grain fields of southern England. 

The following article has been extracted from the Magazine of Science and Technology that is partly attached to the newspaper Cumhuriyet dated 5th of October 1991. 



In England, those who have made the heavenly drawings and the lines in the wheat fields have been exposed. Here is the inside story of this event the UFO defenders loved, but which made scientists work really hard!

‘This is without doubt the most wonderful moment of my research’ marveled Pat Delgado, the famous researcher on UFO’s who was saying the following after he had seen the wheat field in Sevenoaks, England: ‘No human could have done this’. 

Delgado was saying these by gazing at the wheat plants that were created in such a perfect way. The plants had been laid clockwise on the ground in the shape of an almost perfect circle. There were other shapes that were seen as the elongations of this circle: Antennas, a semi-circle and a line which was in the form of a strip. The circles that were seen in Sevenoaks were the last of the hundreds of similar shapes that had been seen in Southern England since the last three years. For Delgado, who has been researching and writing on this subject, these circles were the perfect proof showing the existence of a higher level of intelligence. 

However, the joy of Delgado did not last long. Graham Brough, a reporter from the Today newspaper had watched two landscape painters making up these drawings. David Chorley, aged 62 and Douglas Bower aged 67 had created the Sevenoaks circle while Brough was with them all through the process. Moreover, the duo revealed that for the past 13 years, they have been sneaking around southern England, fashioning as many as 25 to 30 new circles each growing season. 

The explanations of these two people had clarified the mystery with which the whole of England and the world had been interested. Many interesting ideas had been put forth about how these circles on the ground were formed. The flying saucers, the electromagnetic field and the microwaves in the atmosphere were only a few of them. 

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