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The Satanic Jinn and Their Denial of the Quran and The Rasul

As can be seen from their own words, the biggest deception of the jinn, who love to play the innocent, is their act of striving to help humanity in the guise of the loyal servants of Allah. 

The fact is, the jinn claim the Quran is no longer valid, the recommended practices of the Rasul of Allah (saw) are no longer necessary, and suggest that people should stop engaging in such activity. Despite this, they still claim they are guiding the people to the right path.

Wherever you go in the world, you will see that the followers of the religion of Islam solemnly believe in the following principle: The principles of Islam and the teachings of Muhammad (saw) the final Rasul, are valid until doomsday and that there will be no other sacred book revealed after the Quran. 

Whereas, according to the jinn, also known as the aliens, none of the sacred books, namely the TORAH, THE PSALMS OF DAVID, THE BIBLE and THE QURAN are no longer in effect and therefore THE BOOK OF THE GOLDEN AGE has come into effect. The jinn on the other hand are extremely benevolent beings who are willing to spend much effort to protect the human race and sacrifice everything they have in order to be of assistance to them. The jinn who are also called the SATAN are not actually bad beings at all, they are our valuable friends who inform the people of the obsoleteness of the Quran and the Rasul of Allah, the teachings of whom are for primitive human beings (!)

Let us see what the jinn say about this:



Fascicule: 34, Page: 319 

“Let us disclose the matter of the JINN and the SATAN to the public consciousness. 

According to the MECHANISM OF THE RABB, the advanced levels of consciousness have been veiled in your sacred books so that terrestrial consciousness can attain the GODLY dimensions, and hence the advanced dimensions have been introduced to you inversely as the JINN and the DEVIL or SATAN... This is why your sacred books tell you to fear them and stay away from them, as the level of consciousness pertaining to that time period need not digress from the GODLY path.” 


Look at what the jinn, who present themselves as crucially benevolent beings under the guise of ‘aliens’ and who act like the saviors of humankind, say about religion, the Nabis and the Rasuls:



Fascicule No: 41 – Page No: 390 

“Let us repeat again. The time of RELIGIONS and PROPHETS is over. Now, you are the scientific projections of the Divine Dimension.” 


Meanwhile our alien friends do not accept that Muhammad is the Rasul of Allah (saw) and claim the following:



Fascicule No: 42 – Page No: 408 

“The Islamic Totality thinks that the enlightened friend MUHAMMAD is the RASUL. However, he is merely the messenger of the RASUL of ALLAH. The RASUL is the great ASHOT that is the GREAT PEACE.” 


According to the jinn who present themselves as the aliens and who are actually accepted as such by those who are not aware of the reality behind this phenomenon, MOSES (pbuh), JESUS (pbuh), MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA (saw) and MUSTAFA KEMAL are all extraterrestrials, or the jinn, disguised as human beings

Take a look at the message conveyed from the sacred BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE relating to this subject. 



Fascicule No: 24 – Page No: 216 

“Missionaries for enlightenment were sent to you from these dimensions in the past. Let us convey them to you by their Terrestrial names: MOSES – JESUS CHRIST – MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA – MUSTAFA KEMAL. These are direct incarnations. In your own expression: They are direct extraterrestrials.”


As a matter of fact, the jinn are not in favor of the idea of being called aliens or extraterrestrialsbut they don’t have much choice for if the fact that they are the jinn is knownno matter what they dothey will never be able to gain the trust of humans. 

As can be seen from the statement above, after stating they are of them, they accept that “they are extraterrestrials” in our words and expression!

For them, being of the jinn is a matter of honor and pride. Due to their radial form free from the constrains of time and space their conditions of living are superior to ours. They can easily penetrate into the brains of mediums and psychics whose receptors are extremely sensitive and make them see extraordinary visions.

The fact that the teachings and the authority of the Quran, which was revealed by Muhammad (saw) the Rasul of Islam, is valid until the doomsday is a big problem for the jinn. 

For, whenever they claim the Quran and Muhammad (saw) are no longer valid in these times, the Muslims counterclaim that the authorities and teachings of the Quran and Muhammad (saw) are absolutely valid until resurrection takes place. 

So, in order to be able, continue asserting their delusive story the jinn have devised a new solution. They redefined the concept of doomsday and resurrection:



Fascicule No: 25 – Page No: 222 

“This FINAL AGE which is called the period of RESURRECTION in Your Sacred Books, is your planets’ period of awakening and reaching higher consciousness. It is called the AGE OF MEDIUMS or the AGE OF CLAIRVOYANCE. During this period which is also called the period of SINCERITY and DEVOTION, the Celestial Authorities are validating the supremacy of humans both to themselves and to the universe by removing the intermediaries.” 


Yes, according to the jinn, the period of the doomsday has started long ago. Until 1999 mankind will suddenly awaken and the doomsday will thus take place. The signs of doomsday informed by Muhammad (saw) and the Quran will not occur, everything will transpire by the aid of cosmic effects (!)

Whether you accept them as the aliens or as the jinnby whichever name you call them, the most prominent attribute of these beings is their ability to lead people astray using the concept of “god.”

They present limitless gods and lords, and they exalt one over the other, and in their messages, they constantly use terms like Gods, Lords, Lordly Plans, and Godly Plans.

Here is an example:



Fascicule No: 25 – Page No: 225 

“The Book of Knowledge is bestowed on your planet from this system. The LORD OF THE WORLD is responsible for this. The LORD of the WORLD, AMON and RA are the direct projectors of the Plan as the ternary code. RA here is the LORD of the System. This is an operational order.” 

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