
I’d like to first touch on the topics of necromancy and alien contact, which is becoming more and more popular by the day…

What started as “alleged communication with the dead” and eventually evolved into “making contact with aliens” is nothing other than the deception and hoax of the jinn!

Those who are interested in such things clearly do not heed the warnings of neither Muhammad (saw) nor the Quran…

They construe and interpret the verses of the Quran as they like and deny many along the way… 

The truth is, all of the scholars are of the same opinion regarding this topic.

The Quran is a holistic source; one either accepts it completely or denies it completely. To deny a single verse is the same as denying the entire thing.

Unfortunately, however, while some construe the verses according to their vested interests, some deny them altogether.

Here are some verses from the Quran showing the impossibility of returning to the world after death: 


When death comes to one of them, he says, “My Rabb, send me back (to the worldly life).”

“So that I might do righteousness in that which I left behind (i.e. a faithful life that I did not heed or give importance to; the potential that I did not utilize and activate).” No! (It is impossible to go back!) His words are invalid! (His request is unrecognized in the system) and behind them is a barrier (an isthmus; a difference of dimension) until the Day they are resurrected (they cannot go back; reincarnation, being re-born for another worldly life, is not possible!).

So, when the Horn is blown (when the process of resurrection, i.e. a new beginning commences), no relationship (worldly interactions, family relations, titles or familiar faces) will there be among them that Day, nor will they ask about one another (in terms of earthly relations).[1]


Besides these there are many verses stating things like:

“They will say, ‘Send us back to the world so that we may do the things we didn’t do’, but after death they can never go back to the world…”

The biggest deception of the alleged “spirits” and “aliens” is this idea they inject into man; that he can come back to the world after death. One who believes this has refused the religion of Islam…

For, the Quran and Muhammad (saw) has made it very clear that until the day all humans are resurrected collectively (Doomsday - bath’u ba’dal mawt) and given new bodies they can never come back to this dimension of life…This is one of the pillars of faith.


The Quran says the following regarding the beings known as “the jinn”:

“O community of jinn, you have truly possessed (misled from reality) the vast majority of mankind.”[2]

This verse shows that the “majority” of mankind is either consciously or unconsciously under the effect of the jinn and are hence misled from the reality… The verse continues as such:

And their allies among mankind will say, “Our Rabb, we mutually benefited from each other, and we have now reached our term, which you appointed for us.” He will say, “The Fire is your residence, wherein you will abide eternally, except for what Allah wills...” Indeed, your Rabb is the Hakim and the Aleem.[3]


How do the jinn cause deception and delusion to the majority of humans?

They spread misinformation regarding the future events by distorting the information relayed by the Nabis and Rasuls…

Hence the people who have been wrongly guided, unaware of what is awaiting them, do not take the precautions they need to take in order to be prepared! They take the wrong route, go after the wrong purpose, and when they realize the truth alas, it is way too late!

[1] Quran 23: 99-101

[2] Quran 6:128

[3] Quran 6:128

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