
Since the first publication of this book in 1972 I have been endowed with many blessings in regards to the secrets and mysteries of the system of creation. 

Some of them I penned in “The Human Enigma” (1986) and some in “Muhammad’s Allah” (1989) …

However, I chose to leave some of the relevant topics to this book…

I tried to share in this publication comprehensive information and extensive details on the topics of “Spirit”, “Aliens”, “Angels,” and the afterlife make-up of “Man” compared to previous works…

I’d like to first provide some introductory information on the jinn and the aliens, the existence of which, sadly, many primitive brains refuse to accept, even at the expense of denying the Quran …

There is a great misconception that most of us have regarding the jinn…

Some of us think…

The jinn are short stout beings of around 70-90 cm height with crossed legs, long ears and cat eyes, and who are fast moving shapeshifters… 

And some of us think…

The jinn are pure hallucinations that people with certain brain disorders have...

So, what’s the truth of the matter?

Let us first know with certainty that a person is either a megalomaniac, paranoid, schizophrenic who thinks they know “everything” or they are mature enough to admit that besides what they have read and know, there are still much that they do not know…

Denial is from primitiveness, while knowing one’s place is from wisdom and perfection…

There are so many individuals who deny the truth out of ignorance and then end up accepting it when they encounter new information!

Let us take heed from all of this…!

 Let us know that... 

Our biggest mistake is to think of aliens as physical material beings like ourselves…!

Our second biggest downfall is our addiction to our preconditioned ideas and hence our inability to re-evaluate the meanings anew, thereby getting blocked and stuck on the surface value and literal meanings of words.

For example, when we hear the word “jinn” our first reaction is to deny it and say, “There can’t be such things; it’s absurd, it’s made-up!”

Whereas if we do the research perhaps, we’re going to learn so many new things and find the answers to so many of our questions…

Now let us, despite the blockage in our brain, try to contemplate objectively, comprehensively and without prejudice…and take the human body for example…

We know the human body is comprised of trillions of cells… The vital force that controls the functioning of this body is bioelectrical energy…

Brain activity takes place solely with bioelectrical energy…

Because in the past ‘bioelectrical energy’ wasn’t known, symbolic and metaphoric language was used to describe it.

The classical religious understanding states that there is an inanimate physical body and also a spirit that enters this body and gives life to it, and that consciousness comes from this spirit…

This isn’t the case!

Life is present in every iota of the universe!

Life is consciousness and consciousness is life!

Hence there is nothing not alive or unconscious in the universe!

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